Tuesday 23 February 2016

Latest news from Naked Security (02/23/2016)

Would you use an ATM that didn't need a card…*or* a PIN?

Imagine an ATM that didn't need a card or a PIN...how safe would it be?

Resetting terrorist's Apple ID password wasn't a screwup, says FBI

The FBI first blamed county employees for resetting the password and foreclosing the option of fresher backups. Now, it says it was in on it.

Twitter password recovery bug potentially exposed data of 10,000 users

Twitter says your passwords are safe and the bug's fixed, but you ARE using 2FA and a strong password, right?!

Texting-while-walking mishaps lead to relocation of giant sculpture

A sculpture installed on the grounds of Salisbury Cathedral had to be moved last week because people kept walking into it in the dark, and while looking at their mobile devices.