Monday 7 March 2016

Latest news from Naked Security (03/07/2016)

7 tips for securing the Internet of Things

Can you join the IoT craze without having your devices turned against you? Here are 7 tips for protecting yourself...

Let your uSeRS chOOse wACKy passWords, US banks!

With many US banks, what you see in your password field may not be what you get.

"Hack the Pentagon" bug bounty program announced

First, we vet you, the US says. Then, keep your hands where we can see them. Now we're just like the cool tech companies! rapist jailed for life

A UK man who sexually attacked seven women he met through the dating site must serve 12.5 years before being considered for parole.

Pirates hacked shipping company to steal info for efficient hijackings

Here's a lesson in modern web security, taken from a story about modern maritime pirates.

Monday review – the hot 27 stories of the week

From the DROWN attack to the teacher who saw her nudes being posted around school after leaving her phone unlocked... Catch up with everything we wrote in the last 7 days - it's weekly roundup time.

Forget iPhone backdoors, here's a *side* door that can steal your keys

Researchers planted a magnetic coil under the table and sniffed out cryptographic keys using electromagnetic emissions.